改革开放四十年 海外友人看江苏⑭丨盖尔克:“拥抱‘智慧生活’,我们和江苏共成长”

改革开放四十年  海外友人看江苏⑭



 'Poised for smart life,   

growing together with Jiangsu'  

按下按键,咖啡机就能按照既定程序准备好你喜欢的特色咖啡;用手机对冰箱里的食物实时监控;下班路上远程操控烤箱,制作美食……配备了创新传感器和智能软件,家电也能“思考”,这是博西家用电器投资(中国)有限公司董事长兼总裁罗兰·盖尔克(Roland Gerke)向我们描述的一幅幅智能家居场景。  


Roland Gerke of Germany, president of BSH Home Appliances Holding (China), is an honorary citizen of Nanjing and Jiangsu Friendship Award winner.  

Founded in 2011, it was the first foreign company opening its China headquarters in the capital city of Jiangsu province.   


近日,盖尔克接受新华日报全媒体国际传播部记者&Now君采访,讲述了他眼中江苏的变与不变。  小小洗碗机 窥见大改变  


As a senior executive of a foreign-owned home appliance company, what impresses Gerke most, in his 20 years experience life here, is the massive increase in purchasing power and sophistication of Chinese consumers..  

他回忆说:“刚来江苏时,我发现商场里100升左右的单门冰箱更多一些,而现在则多是对开门冰箱或多门冰箱。10年前,消费者只是购买燃气灶、微波炉这些基础厨电产品,但现在倾向于购买更多种类的厨房电器,比如洗碗机、烤箱、蒸箱、蒸烤一体机等代表消费升级的产品。”  He said consumers only bought basic kitchen appliances such as gas stoves and microwave ovens 10 years ago, but they have now branched into trying a range of other products such as dishwashers, baking ovens, steamers and steam ovens.  


In the past, some families in Shanghai had dishwashers brought back from abroad, but they now are available at any home appliance store in Nanjing.  


盖尔克注意到,居民收入增加,购买力不断提高,随之而来的是消费需求和生活方式的变化。  “大家更注重饮食健康。虽然工作繁忙,但出现的一个现象是,很多人愿意在家烹饪,而不是外出就餐。自己做烘焙的多了,自己下厨的时间多了。”  



According to the Jiangsu Provincial Bureau of Statistics, in the first half of the year, the per capita disposable income of residents was 19,885 yuan (about 2,900 USD), an increase of 8.9 percent year-on-year, and the per capita consumption expenditure was 12,391 yuan, a nominal increase of 7.5 percent year-on-year.  




Roland Gerke has participated in the World Intelligent Manufacturing Summit (WIMS) held in Nanjing for two consecutive years.  


He believes WIMS will showcase Jiangsu's intelligent manufacturing to the world and provide new momentum for industrial transformation and upgrading.  


江苏省经信委统计,全省约有360家企业开展人工智能相关业务,2017年相关收入达230亿元。  Data from the Jiangsu Economic and Information Technology Commission showed about 360 enterprises in the province are engaged in artificial intelligence-related business and the industrial revenue reached 23 billion yuan in 2017.  

今年5月,省经信委印发《江苏省新一代人工智能产业发展实施意见》,提出到 2020 年,江苏人工智能相关产业规模超过1000亿元,成为全国人工智能产业创新发展引领区和应用示范先行区。  

In May of this year, the commission published the “Opinions on the Implementation of the New Generation of AI Industry in Jiangsu Province”, projecting that the scale of Jiangsu AI industry will exceed 100 billion yuan by 2020.  




Gerke believes China has the most extensive Internet application scenarios while new ideas and new applications keep springing up. Jiangsu certainly has great prospects for future development in the field of AI.  




 Gerke also said that in the past 24 years, BSH has made great progress in Jiangsu and he has never regretted his choices.  

Looking ahead, he believes more and more products will offer digital services and become intelligent, and BSH will also build new factories for ovens and dryers in China.  


In his spare time, Gerke likes going out for a walk with his family. He said, to his pleasure, nothing changed to the ancient city walls and tree-lined boulevards in Nanjing.  

说到江苏美食,他回答说:“最喜欢扬州炒饭、灵谷寺的素面、麻辣龙虾,当然还有夫子庙各式小吃……”  For Jiangsu cuisine, Gerke likes Yangzhou fried rice, plain noodles at the Linggu Temple, spicy crayfish, and various kinds of snacks in Confucius Temple.  


Roland Gerke, a pioneer who refines the beauty of home appliances and a witness to smart life, has already taken root in Jiangsu.   

